UCC aiming to achieve energy efficiencies under SEAI agreement

25 Oct 2012

Dr Brian Motherway, chief executive, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, and Trevor Holmes, vice-president for external relations, UCC

University College Cork (UCC) has signed an agreement with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) under its Public Sector Energy Partnership programme, with the aim of achieving energy savings of 33pc by 2020.

Under the programme, the university also has a target of meeting a year-on-year energy savings of more than 3pc.

UCC already has an energy programme in place and has been awarded the IS0 50001 standard in energy management. This standard allows businesses and organisations to set up systems and processes in order to improve their energy performance and achieve energy efficiencies.

Paul Prendergast, buildings officer at UCC, said the university is also committed to responsible energy and water management as part of its overall environmental strategy.

Via the Public Sector Energy Partnership programme with SEAI, the university will now focus on developing an eight-year plan to extend beyond 2020 in order to achieve energy saving targets of 33pc.

SEAI’s chief executive Dr Brian Motherway said the authority is already working with many public bodies to help them lower their energy bills while also reducing their environmental impact.

Carmel Doyle was a long-time reporter with Silicon Republic
