Chord confusion and forgotten lyrics are the nightmare of most rock stars. Well, not any more, since an enterprising Maynooth firm has developed a technology that eliminates the need for printed tabs.
The Maynooth-based entrepreneurs have created a device called the iTab, a five-inch, touch-screen tab player that scrolls lyrics and chords in perfect time, as well as playing backing tracks and tuition videos.
The idea behind the magic device is that, in the long run, it should eliminate the need for printed tabs, and ensure that forgotten lyrics and chord confusion become a thing of the past.
The device, which won’t enter the market until January 2010 but will be unveiled at the Hot Press Music Show on 3 and 4 October is being proposed as a brilliant aid for anyone learning an instrument or looking for an efficient way to learn and play new songs.
By John Kennedy
Photos: The iTab device, and within a leather case.