The latest episode of The Leaders' Room features country manager of Salesforce Ireland, Carolan Lennon.

The Leaders’ Room podcast features interviews with the country managers of some of Ireland’s leading sci-tech multinationals. It was created in partnership with IDA Ireland.

In the latest episode, we hear from Carolan Lennon, the country manager of Salesforce Ireland and former CEO of telecoms company Eir.

Lennon spoke about her career journey and her top leadership advice, and also discussed the growth of AI and how it’s changing the industry.

“I believe that people will buy AI solutions from companies they can trust, but what I think is nice is – if you think about social media, we never had the risk conversations at the time,” she said. “So, I think the good thing about AI is that we’re having the conversations at the time, and that generally people seem happy to cooperate globally about getting it right and taking an appropriate risk-based approach to using it.”


Words by Jenny Darmody