Playwright and broadcaster Bonnie Greer presented a brief keynote during the Future Human Leaders’ Lunch at the 2020 BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition.
In her talk at the recent Future Human pop-up event, Bonnie Greer discussed the need for diversity of intelligence, explaining how intelligence is relative.
“A Nobel prize-winning physicist … if you give him a knife and a loincloth and put him in the middle of the Amazon forest and then there is an indigenous mom who walks up to him with her four kids, guess who’s the genius in this situation?”
Greer’s presentation, which delved into TikTok influencers and Generation Z, was followed by a fireside chat with Future Human founder and curator Ann O’Dea.
Words by Elaine Burke
Editor’s note: Please note that Future Human 2020 has been rescheduled to take place on 29 and 30 October 2020. More details can be found here.