Rachel Hayes of William Fry sat down with SiliconRepublic.com to discuss companies' responsibilities around cybersecurity.

What can be done about companies’ liability when it comes to cyberattacks? According to Rachel Hayes, senior associate at William Fry, more awareness is needed.

Businesses should invest in their security to keep abreast of the constantly evolving cyberthreat landscape.

“From an awareness point of view, more buy-in from boards and stakeholders is needed so that they understand that cybersecurity threats impact every business not just Big Tech companies, so being ready for these risks by implementing security measures, policies, procedures and training is a must.”

“The combination of existing laws like the GDPR and the new laws that will be introduced are all a step in the right direction but there’s always more that can be done because of the speed at which cyberthreats evolve and the ever-increasing sophistication of cybercriminals.”

Companies being accountable for any damages incurred as a result of cyberattacks is “essential” said Hayes. Being prepared is half the battle.


Words by Blathnaid O’Dea