Enterprise Ireland has shared the first-year results of its new strategy: Build Scale, Expand Reach 2017-2020.

The 2017 End of Year Statement from Enterprise Ireland showed an increase in job creation despite uncertainty stemming from Brexit.

“We have the highest level in employment in our clients that we’ve ever had,” said Enterprise Ireland CEO Julie Sinnamon, citing more than 209,000 people employed at year-end 2017 along with a decrease in job losses.

Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation Heather Humphreys, TD, noted the spread of this job creation. “There’s been job increases in every single county right across the country,” she said.

Alongside the End of Year Statement, Enterprise Ireland also launched a new Market Discovery Fund to support the promotion of products to new markets.

Enterprise Ireland chair Terence O’Rourke described this strategic response to Brexit disruption as “a combination of supports adding up to a maximum of €150,000 per company”.

He added: “It’s a big risk going to new markets, so this is trying to encourage companies, give them a bit of assurance, give them a safety net,” he said.

Words by Elaine Burke