Is it possible to have a tangible impact as an intern? This is what the software engineering internship at Oath aims to achieve.

Internships have become a staple of third-level education. It’s one thing to learn skills safely boxed in the walls of a classroom, but applying those skills in a real-life working setting is another.

For many reasons, an internship might not be pleasant. Often interns are relegated to coffee-fetching and document-stapling. These are all perfectly valid working tasks, of course, but will likely not flex the skills an intern is hoping to flex.

Luckily for the interns at Oath, the risk of not getting relevant experience is not one they need to consider. Not only did these software engineering students get to hone their skills, but they got to see their code executed in real time on the websites of some of the largest online brands in the world.

We spoke to the Oath interns about the valuable experience they gained.


Words by Eva Short