Christian Stafford, head of KTI, told of the need to boost research partnerships between Irish industry and academia.

Speaking at an Enterprise Ireland conference in Dublin recently, Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail Emer Higgins, TD, said there is a need to “lower the barriers” to engagement by enterprises in the Irish innovation ecosystem.

The one-day conference (part of a wider EU programme called Tour des Capitales) was hosted by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and Knowledge Transfer Ireland (KTI).

“From a KTI perspective, what we do is create the conditions to close the gap. So, we’ve got academic research here, we’ve got business over here, and it’s fostering the opportunities for them to work together,” said Christian Stafford, head of KTI.

“It’s really just about creating an environment where all the stakeholders are aligned, can collaborate effectively, and we can really see that impact from the state investment in research for the whole country.”


Words by Vish Gain