Minister for Research and Innovation Sean Sherlock, TD, launches Science Week 2012
People are being encouraged to get involved in this year’s Science Week, which will run from 11-18 November, whereby more than 500 events across Ireland will be exploring everyday experimenting and the role science plays in our daily lives.
Sean Sherlock, TD, the Minister for Research and Innovation, launched Science Week 2012 today, announcing that the underlying theme of this year’s events will be everyday experimenting.
Science Week is managed by Science Foundation Ireland via the Discover Science and Engineering (DSE) programme that promotes science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects.
More than 500 events will be happening around Ireland during Science Week as a collaboration of events run by colleges, schools, libraries, teachers, researchers and students throughout Ireland.
Speaking today, Sherlock said Science Week is Ireland’s national initiative that appeals to the public to embrace science.
“Studies consistently show that the good jobs of the future will demand students with high-level science and maths skills. Science Week encourages an interest in science from an early stage so that we can develop these core skills to prepare students well for a wide range of quality employment options,” he said.
Dr Graham Love, director of policy and communications at SFI, who has responsibility for DSE, said Science Week is the only annual event that gives access to the opportunities that surround science throughout the country.
“We have seen an increase in CAO-level applications into third-level science this year which is extremely positive, but we must not stop in our efforts to promote STEM subjects,” he said. “Science Week is a fun and interactive way to give students and the public a taster of what science is about.”